July through the years!  Summer activities galore, from summer school to picnics, cleaning and refurbishing to skating!

 1925—St.Aloysius, New Lexington, OH  July 20th marked another unusual celebration at S.A.A.  Our grotto had also been remodeled.  Age and weather had shown their effects on the beautiful structure and repairs were needed.  The urns which had formely occupied several of the niches have been replaced by statues. . . . At 5:30 p.m., while the bells from the tower were pealing joyously, the procession , consisting of six girls and the Sisters with Father Suppan and the acolytes, wended its way to the grotto.  The rustic bridge, which had also seen its best days, was replaced by one of concrete. 

 1928—St. Vincent Orphanage, Columbus, OH—On July 11th we had a real picnic, a “Dam” picnic, all by ourselves.  Some of the Sisters say they look forward to this day as they did to Christmas when they were children.  We have the place all to ourselves to rest on the grass in the shade of those big trees and inhale that lovely, cool air from the water.  In the afternoon we have a long ride up the river.  It is one grand day.

 1956—St. Ann, Buffalo, NY—We welcomed summer boarders in the persons of Sister Francita Huber and Sister Florence Frank. A skating party for the Sister Students was held and enjoyed by all the Sisters.

 1956—Sacred Heart, Columbus, OH—The contract for the construction of the new school and convent was signed on July 11.  On the 25th ground was broken for the new buildings. . . . Despite the fact that it was a weekday, quite a sizable group of parishioners and friends were on hand for the occasion.  About thirty of our sisters came from the various convents, too.  Bishop Hettinger and Mother Rosaria turned the first spadefuls of dirt, and then the Bishop took over the bulldozer for an added touch, to everyone’s delight.  

 1989—S. Gertrude Lacki, Boomer, WV—July 10-14:  Vacation Bible School in Montegomery Education Building. S. Rosalyn Schardt helped me with the music program.