From Chronicles of Sacred Heart Convent

 (In February 1932) Our pupils presented the Opera "Hansel and Gretel" on the evenings of the first and third and a Matinee on Sunday, the sixth.  Everyone enjoyed it and $1055 were realized.

            During the first week of February (1932) our students visited the Quality Damp Wash Laundry Co. in four divisions.  This is a means of advertising used by the company and at the same time a chance for institutions to reap a little profit.  Our visit brought us $100.

In February 1934 the parents of our pupils sponsored a party and dance for the benefit of our academy at the Cleveland Park Club.  They realized $862.65 which they at once submitted to us.  Many applications were received by us asking us to organize a SHA Mothers' Association.  After due consideration it was decided that such an organization would mean mutual benefit, and at the same time could be the means of doing good.  Hence, this organization will be known as the Sacred Heart Academy Mothers' Association.  Meetings will be held once a month here at the Academy.


From the Chronicles of St. Vincent Convent, Columbus

1942  Holy Rosary Elementary School  February:  The change to Eastern War Time which caused us to go to school at the break of day gave us the feeling of going to night school.  These early hours, while beneficial to the nation as a whole, prevent many small children from attending daily Mass during Lent.


From the Chronicles of Stella Niagara

1923:  The Students' Mission Crusade was founded in this month (February) and the pupils of Stella Niagara, anxious to do something for the missions, were eager to join.  The purpose of this society is to further the interest in foreign missions and also to give pecuniary assistance to the same.  A peculiar characteristic of this association which owes its origin to Rev. Daniel Lord, S.J., is that the students themselves are to display their initiative, to give the talks themselves, to organize, etc.  This is thoroughly in keeping with the times, since in this age youth is determined to assert itself.  There are those who hail this as a wonderful advance,--others prophecy disaster.  The future will show.  For the present it is futile to go against the strong current of youthful self-assertion.  If this association succeeds in turning the energies and activity of many young people in the path of labor for God and His Church, it will surely be a blessing.  Mr. Joseph Bach, the President of the Crusade came to Stella to address the pupils.  He succeeded in interesting the students and many of them wished to be enrolled.


From the Chronicles of Rosary Hall/Magdalen Hall, Amherst

2/19/96--Sister Angela Canavan died this morning.  She had guided the young college through two  decades of planning, building, faculty formation, increased enrollment, with the registration of male students, and the research for the name change from Rosary Hill to Daemen College.

            The wake and prayer service held at Rosary Hall demonstrated the sincere gratitude and loving respect of so many friends, relatives, religious of several orders, her own sisters, and our two bishops.

            The spirit at the college peaked to make this a Franciscan farewell for Angela.  Once upon a time Angela insisted, "That only the King's English would be spoken at the college."  Whereupon we decided Angela must have a royal farewell.  Of course we closed with the Franciscan blessing.

May the Lord bless you.

May the Lord keep you.

May He show His face to you.

And give you His peace.

            She, like Magdalen Damen, has completed her earthly mission and Daemen is her monument.


From the Chronicles of Mary Catherine Dekkers Community, Buffalo

February 2, 1996  During this weekend, Diane Gianadda will have a retreat for women in the inner city sho at one time had made her summer vacation program at Stella.  Edie helped by driving some of the women from their homes to a van . . . which would take the women to Stella.